Monday, May 14, 2007

An Uninspired Post


Errms... Today got nothing to talk about. Just that, i was ACTUALLY 100% focused on today's lessons ar. WOHOO!! Gained alot from today's lessons. Except for Materials In Practice ar... The module freakin DRY man!!!! Fucking boring... Just like Econs in JC. Talk halfway can sleeep..

And it doesn't help when your lecturer is a real life AH PEK!!! I tell you, he talk like talking in coffee shop liddat.. Like..... like.... like...... AH PEK! Get what i mean?

OKOKOK... It's been a long time since i posted stupid questions with no real answers....

Why Does An Alarm Clock "Go Off" When It Begins Ringing?


eigwon said...



only with teachers like ms zura*da, you will then give you 100% concentration right!

Anonymous said...


Too bad my lecturers dont have saggy boobs like her's... If not i top student readi!!!