Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I've been tagged~ Yay~ And now im suppose to think of 10 random things about myself? -_-

  1. I want to eat pork. But cannot.
  2. I want to drink beer. But cannot.
  3. I'm a not a virgin
  4. I want curly hair but smooth kind
  5. Actually i always wanted to be a radio dj, but zuraidah PHAIL terribly at teaching
  6. Im a terrible liar.
  7. shoe size 9
  8. I want go plastic surgery
  9. I have six pacs, but underneath a thin sheet of fat.
  10. People say i look like aaron aziz.

The idea is to post 10 random stuffs about yourself and then tag 5 random friends to do the same.

So i tag: maggie, jeffy, taufiq, keiran, [insert name]. Aiya, whoever feel like doing just do lah! LOL.

makes you wonder, who the heck so free start all this tagging stuff???! HAHAHA.



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