Saturday, July 19, 2008


So today i had band practise. I'm satisfied with today's rehearsal. Maybe it's because we played Machu Picchu pretty well today. =) And the woodwind's melody was AWESOME! =)) 1 more week till concert!! WOHOOO~!!!

And i'm really psyched about the Thailand trip too!!!! Too bad my partner-in-crime won't be tagging along. Due to ITP. Awww. But i still have JinKun! =) I really hope i have time to SHOP there though. Need to get loads of cheap tshirts and shoes... GAH I CAN'T WAIT!!!! OCTOBER COME FASTER LEH!!!!!! I wanna get a silicone breast as a souvenir(wohoo! i spelled souvenir correctly!). Not ON me of course. IN my hand. Holding it. Ok shaddup.

4 more weeks till exams. Need to buck up. Seriously. Coz my mst's were shit. And i wanna at least get a cumulative 3.0 GPA. Not for anyone else, but for me. Prove to myself i can do it. YES! EMO is the way!


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