Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Lots more drama is going on ITP. What's new right? Everywhere 01 goes, we always bring the drama along. I know im not involved and all, but i kpo kpo only lah. Won't hurt right.

All i can say is, some blardy people, are just so free. Or just so freaking paranoid to an extent where must do blogsearch on their company and all. Super bohliao bunch of ah peks.

And whether we want to boast, complain, rant, bitch, gossip, IT'S OUR BUSINESS godammit. It's our freaking blog.

Gosh... Looks like we have to go old skool and write in fatass DIARIES again. Remember to lock with lockpads ppl. Scared these ahpeks break into your house and read them.


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