Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Laptop is back. Super happy. So the real problem is... My laptop OVERHEATS. And then it damages the mother(fucker)board. I don't get it la... I thought this laptop is for like entertainment with good graphic card. Should be able to withstand heavy duty.. But so like meh~ Stupid... I think i need to buy those ugly board fans you put your laptop on.

FYP. Finally we got something to be happy about. At least everyone likes it. Thank god no more GRUNTINGS and HEAVY SIGHING. It was kinda irritating. But, oh well. Improving on the solar thermal tubes. It's already a distinction project. So, we've GOTTA WORK HARDER. =)

JAPAN trip. I've got money!!! Thanks to edusave. No more stressing about moolah already. But i still need to save up. For spending cash. I wanna shopping!!! And please please let the swine flu thingy reside. =( So not fated to go overseas with SP band la. Thailand trip was canceled because of riots. Now this... Just pray people.

Sometimes, I offend people without even knowing it. Like the things i say and the things i do. And i really apologise. Hah. I also dunno that i do something wrong. So just tell me next time la. =) *ting*


1 comment:

keiran said...

Buy me tees when you go japan. I'll pay you. Whn are you going to japan?