Wednesday, January 21, 2009



0K. T0dAy, i ShAlL tyPe lIKe aN IdIot. DoNt bE sHocKed, bUt tHerE aRe sTIll sOmE rEtaRDeD pEoPle WhO tYpeS loIke DiS. ANd TheY aRe aBoVE 12 YeArS oF aGe! WTF??? i kNoW aT leAsT 2 peRsON wHo TYpeS tHiS fuCkINg wAy. anD iT Is anNoyInGlY IRRITATING!!!

Gosh that was so tiring. Feel like giving them a MEGAbitch sMACk. So tempted to put in names... But nah...


And i've lost my thumbdrive! GAH! It's a Sony 1GB, black in colour thumbdrive with a creative (the brand) lanyard. If found please give it back to me!!! =((

mOi sAvED dAtA~~~ kiLLL mOi nAozzz!!


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